sábado, 26 de mayo de 2012

Personal Information in the Speaking Exam

Personal Information in the Speaking Test
Speaking exams can be stressful but don´t panic! It will be easier than you expect.

Here are some general tips which can help you:
-Before you speak, think carefully about what to say and speak a little slower than normal. 
-Use language you know is correct. Use words and expressions you have used before.
-If you don´t understand the question or activity, ask the examiner. Say "Could you repeat that, please?" 
-Always say something. Don´t just say "yes" or "no". Explain your answer with a reason. Say "Yes, I agree because..."
-If you can choose the topic or question, choose one you know something about. It´s easier to talk about something you know.
-Speak clearly so that the examiner can hear you.
-This is your opportunity to show the examiner what you know, so use your best language and pronunciation.
-Remember that everyone feels nervous in exams, so try to relax.

You can start by telling your name, your age, the place where you are from or live, what you are studying, something about your family, your hobbies and so on....

-My name is.....
-I´m from... / I live in...
-I was born in...
-I´m ....years old.
-I go to....school.
-I like....because...
-I don´t like....because...
-In my free time / After school, I...
-My best friends are... because...
-My favourite (school subject, actor, pop group, sport) is...because...
-I have...brothers and sisters.
-I´m an only child.
-In the future, I´d like to...because...

Or you will be asked to answer some questions.
Some of the questions you can be asked in the test are the following:

-What´s your name?
-How old are you?
-Where do you like?
-What are you studying this year?
-How many brothers or sisters have you got?
-Have you got a pet?
-What´s your favourity free time activity?
-Why do you study English?
and so on...

Finally, when you don´t understand, use can say:
I don´t understand
Could you repeat that?
Could you say that again?
What do you mean, exactly?
I´m not sure what you mean.
Can you explain that?

Look luck!

Comparing Pictures

When comparing and contrasting pictures, you can use useful expressions and the topic vocabulary about them.

You should:
-compare:-expressing  similarities between the pictures
                -expressing  differences between the pictures 
-give examples
-express preferences
-express an opinion

Useful expressions:
Both pictures show...
The two pictures are similar because...
Another thing they´ve got in common is...
The pictures are different because...
One difference is that...
One picture shows...while the other one shows...
Another difference is...
Whereas in the first picture...
I would imagine that...
I think...because...
It must be...
I suppose...
most likely...
This person is...while that person is...

I wouldn´t mind...
I wouldn´t want to...
I think I´d enjoy...
For example...
Such as...
For one thing...
Personally, I´d rather...
in my opinion....is better because...
I prefer...
I would prefer to...because...
One advantage / disadvantage of...is that...

Describing a photograph

You can describe a picture or photograph by using useful expressions and the topic vocabulary to say what you  can see in the picture and invent some details about it, such as:
- what  you can see in the picture
- what the person is doing / the people are doing in the picture
- why the person is  / the people are there
- what you suppose has happened
- how you think the person feels / the people feel
- what you think the person / people will do next

Useful expressions:
On the left / right...
It looks like...
They seem to be...
I would imagine...
It seems like that...
Hopefully, they´ll...
In the background...
In the foreground...
It looks as if...
He / She might...
It could be that...
I suppose...

viernes, 25 de mayo de 2012

Tips for Speaking Exams

Before  you speak:
- Make sure that you understand the task and the questions you are given.
- If you are allowed some preparation time, organise what you are going to say and use simple notes.
- Use simple sentences.
- Don´t worry if you don´t know a particular word or expression in English, think of an alternative (an opposite, a synonym, an explanation...) and use the words you know to express the same idea.

While you speak:
- Don´t speak too quickly or too slowly, try to speak clearly.
- Don´t worry about making errors, it´s preferible to make a few errors than to remain silent and not to say anything at all.
- If you make a mistake, stay calm, correct yourself and carry on speaking.

viernes, 11 de mayo de 2012

LORCA, 365 days after the quake

Nobody in Lorca will forget the date 11th May 2011, just one year ago. And we shouldn´t forget it either. Most of the Lorcan people whose houses fell down because of the earthquake, continue homeless.
The promises made to help Lorca and bureaucratic issues seem to go slower than expected. The vast majority of people affected has not received any help.
Let´s try to understand what happens when a natural disaster like an earthquake takes place, by watching the BBC news animated guides: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4588149.stm
You can also learn what the causes, dangers, effects, aftershocks and warning signs of huricanes, tornadoes, volcanoes and tsunamis are.

What would you do if you lived in a place where any of these natural disasters might happen? To stay safe I would........

2. Label the pictures with the appropiate vocabulary and answer the questions.

jueves, 3 de mayo de 2012

The Third of May 1808

Francisco de Goya. "The Third of May",The Execution of the Defenders of Madrid. 1814. Museo del Prado, Madrid.

The picture was painted  by commission of the King to perpetue the Madrid people´s stand against the forces of Napoleon. Possibly it was made from sketches drawn by wittnesses at the shootings. Both the night and symmetrical composition of the subjects emphasize the drama: those being shot with their faces looking ahead, filled with feeling, and the soldiers from behind, depicting evil´s machines.

Answer the following questions about the picture:
1. What events does it depict?
2. In what style is this work made?
3. What message does the artist convey about war?
4. What artistic devices does the artist use to convey his message?
5. In your opinion, is this work successful in conveying its message? Why
6. To have a clear explanation of the Picture, watch the video below.(In Spanish language)

martes, 1 de mayo de 2012

160 Anniversary of Santiago Ramón y Cajal ´s Birthday

Santiago Ramón y Cajal was a Spanish pathologist, histologist, neuroscientist, and Nobel laureate. His pioneering investigations of the microscopic structure of the brain were original: he is considered by many to be the father of modern neuroscience. He was skilled at drawing, and hundreds of his illustrations of brain cells are still used for educational purposes today

Here you are a game to celebrate his birthday on 1st May.

Use the code to find a quote about the brain from the famous neuroanatomist Santiago Ramon y Cajal (Born on May 1, 1852; Died on October 18, 1934).
Here you can see what part of your brain you use, the right or the left one.


Here you can do a questionnary to see if you are more of a left-brain or right-brain thinker.

Answer the questions and then score yourself.



1. I wear a watch

6. I´ve considered becoming a politician, an artista, ora n architect.

2. I like to draw

7. I hate following a chedule.

3. I´d rather draw a map tan give someone directions.

8. I make “to-do” lists-

4. When I get something new, I usually read the instructions.

9. I generally doo well in Math and Science.

5. I play or would like top lay a musical instrument.

10. I´ve considered becoming a lawyer, a doctor, or a journalist.

Score yourself. Are you more of a left-brain or right-brain thinker?
·         Score 1 point for every “Yes” answer to questions 1, 4, 8, 9 and 10.
·         Score 1 point for every “No” answer to questions 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7.
·         Add up your score.
0-5: You are more of a right-brain thinker.
6-10: You are more of a left-brain thinker.

Would you like to know why you act the way you do?. Look at your skills and preferences in the chart and find the answer.

Are You Left or Right Brain?