jueves, 28 de julio de 2011

Small talk in English

What´s small talk? Informal conversation about things that are not important.
In most English-speaking countries, it is normal and necessary to make" small talk" in certain situations. Small talk is a casual form of conversation that "breaks the ice" or fills awkward silence between people.Even though you may feel shy using your second language, it is sometimes considered rude to say nothing.
When you first meet someone it can be difficult to know how to start a conversation, especially if your first language is not English.
Small talk has been going on for ages, and an Armstrong and Miller sketch about cave men discovering small talk, may be a funny proof of it.

And focussing on the prospective oral  PAU exam, practicing the art of "small talk" would be of great help to you.
What about learning about safe topics and those best avoided for small talk?:
 To have a bit of more fun, watch and learn Misterduncam´s small talk lesson:

If you prefer listening exercises on Introductions and small talk:

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