sábado, 15 de octubre de 2011

Homeless and Homelessness

Most people have a home in which they enjoy all the comforts we expect in life. These include food, warmth, television, internet / phone and the company of others. Becoming homeless can happen to almost anyone.
How do you think this can happen? The key phrases below, may help you answer this question.

Made unemployed - Drink / Alcoholism / Drug addition - Not paying rent - Mental health problems - Running away from home - Rogue landlords - Eviction - repossession - Antisocial behaviour.

When you think of a homeless person, what images and pictures come to mind?
Often members of the general public consider homeless people as a burden on society or as being lazy and not willing to work. These are stereotype images.
Where do the general public get their information about homeless people from?
The key phrases below may help you answer this question.

Newspapers - Magazines - What we see on the streets - TV: Soaps or Documentaries - What we are told by others - Internet - Charities such as "Shelther" - Music/Songs.

Did you know that many homeless people, have at one time or another, had important jobs such as being in the armed forces. Other homeless people have mental illnesses that mean they cannot cope with normal life. Some homeless people have owned businesses, homes and had families and then lost everything. This can be due to divorce, bereavement and bankruptcy.
Can you think of any other reasons a person may become homeless?

Source: V. Ryan

Apart from answering the text questions about homelessness. Write an essay to answer the following additional questions:
What´s your own view?. What sorts of things would be really difficult if you were homeless?

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