martes, 6 de diciembre de 2011

Improving your listening skills

Listening, listening, and listening.....this is the best way to improve your understanding. And here you are some tips to take into account that can help you: 
1. You should accept the fact that you are not going to understand everything, at least at first.
2. You should keep relaxed  when you don´t understand.
3. You shouldn´t translate into your language.
4. You should listen for the general idea. You shouldn´t concentrate on detail until you have understood the main ideas.
At present  there are many ways of hearing English everywhere:
Films in English with subtitles.
Listening while reading, taking advantage of the readers for the the present school year is a good idea too.
Thanks to the Internet it´s easier to listen to current events, the news, Eurosport, digital TV, Songs, Tales, Podcasts, Videos, and all that jazz... 
You have no excuse to improve your listening skills. So do your very best using any of these useful links:  Single Vowel Sounds Video Lessons         Randall´s  ESL Cyber  Listening lab (for all levels)    La mansión del Inglés  English listening exercises

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