sábado, 7 de diciembre de 2013

Nelson Mandela´s Death

This way, Mandela´s poem finishes, the one he read once and again and kept him alive the time he spent imprisoned. Today Madela´s death is grieved by people all around the world.

The ex-President of South Africa and Nobel  Peace Prize will never be forgotten as the Father of South Africa and the invictus hero who defeated apartheid.
Let´s pay tribute to him in such a sad day by revising his biography and listening to  some of the artists that performed at festivals and concerts as an expression of solidarity and recognition of  Nelson Mandela.

   Simple Minds

Tracy Chapman


Dire Straits and Eric Clapton



Poem that Inspired a Nation


viernes, 15 de marzo de 2013

Time to practise "Rephrasing"

It´s hight time you started practising "Rephrasing" exercises for your exams. Then, get down to work!

As you remember, you have to express the same message in different words and specially for the purpose of clarification. Don´t forget, the meaning of the resulting sentence should be the same as that in the sentence given.
The more rephrasing exercises you do, the better !

Rephrasing 1º bachiller by formac alcorisa

miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2013


Have you ever dreamed of joining the Hollywood elite and walking down the red carpet at the Oscars?

Tasks: Find out about the Oscars.

1. How many categories of nominations are there at the Academy Awards Ceremony (The Oscars)?
2. When did the First Academy Awards (The Oscars ceremony) take place?
3. What awards is Hugh Jackman nominated for in Les Misérables?
4. Who´s the writer and singer of the nomination for Best original Song in Skyfall?
5. What is the film Brave nominated for? Did it win the Oscar?
6. What is the section My Picks about?
7. Who won the Oscar for Best Film?
8. Who won the Oscar for Directing?
9. Who won the Oscar for a Leading Role?
10. Who won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor/Actress?

jueves, 14 de febrero de 2013

14th February, Valentine´s Day

 St Valentine´s Day? or Love is in the air.

Believing  in Saint Valentine or not, this day is celebrated in many countries around the world. It´s the time of the year when couples show their public affection. Although it has also become a global industry and gifts, flowers, chocolates and cards are sent by millions.

Apart from this, it is customary to treat the topic at school and hundreds of activities related to its origins and  development are enjoyed by students of all levels.

Let´s see the different aspects of the topic, the historical, the romantic and last but not least, the economical side of Valentine´s Day.
History of Valentine´s Day.

Cupid, the God of Love. The mascot of Valentine´s Day.

Valentine´s infographic:

Valentine's Day By the Numbers

Love Idioms: guess their meanings!

Match these idioms connected to love with the correct definition:
1. to be head over heel in love         

2. to fall for

3. to tie the knot              
4.  to have a crush on someone                               

a. to be attracted to someone without publicity showing it.
b. to get married.
c. to fall in love with somebody.
d. to be very much in love.
1. ____ / 2. ____ / 3. ____ / 4. ____

        Happy Valentine´s Day
                                                                        My Lovelies!                   

martes, 5 de febrero de 2013

International Cancer Day, 4th February

4th February is dedicated to World Cancer day and the topic chosen by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) this year is to dispel these  top four  myths about cancer:
- Cancer is just a health issue.
- Cancer is a disease of the wealthy, elderly and developed countries.
- Cancer is a death sentence.
- Cancer is my fate.

The goal of World Cancer Day is to educate and empower patients, survivors, and their families and to raise awareness about cancer around the globe.

Source: ATVN News
Finding a cure to cancer should be everybody´s challenge. Cancer is a disease that does not discriminate based on age, gender or nationality.Who doesn´t know someone who has been touched by some form of the illness. 

Our task today is to remember what Cancer is, by doing a quiz about it.

domingo, 3 de febrero de 2013

Learning English with songs and lyrics

Listening to music is one of most people´s favourite activities  and a  funny way to learn a foreign language. Who doesn´t enjoy listening to their admired singer or band and their preferred music style?
Trying to learn English while enjoying music is in your hand. You just search for lyrics, artist or genre and  choose the level: Beginner, Intermediate or Expert.

IDIOMS related to MUSIC

Face the music, means to accept criticism or punishment or responsability for something you have done. This idiom introduces us to the world of idioms and music. A world as wide as interesting although not always easy to interpret. 

Let´s see some of them in the chart below:

 [Infographic provided by Grammar.net]

Musical Vocabulary and Idioms to practise a matching exercise.

Everything you always wanted to know about Idioms.You can find idioms and listen to the teacher´s explanation.

BBC music idioms Crossword.

Watch the video: with explanations of the American idiom  Like a Rolling Stone.

sábado, 2 de febrero de 2013


When a verb is used with an adverb particle, the combination is called Phrasal verb. There are a very large number of these in English and their meaning is always different from the meanings of the two words taken separately.
Phrasal verbs can be intransitive (not followed by a direct object) or transitive (followed by a direct object) . When a phrasal verb has a direct object, the two parts of the verb can usually be separated: the adverb particle can be put before or after the object.
However, when the object is a pronoun, the adverb particle can only go after the object.
There are a few verbs which consist of three parts: a base verb, and adverb particle, and a preposition,. They are used in the same way as any other prepositional verb and follow the same rules. They are Phrasal-prepositional verbs.
In order to understand the meaning of Phrasal verbs and Phrasal-prepositional verbs, you may have to refer to the dictionary.
Here you can learn and practise them by playing  games.
 Two phrasal verbs games to play online:
And also enjoy Phrasal verbs learning by watching "Fun with Phrasal verbs":

miércoles, 2 de enero de 2013

In the dole queue

Reading the News apart from learning about the crude reality of present Spanish unemployment situation, gives you a source of useful vocabulary related to work and the lack of it. An example of this is the article below.

A quarter of Spain in the dole queue

Spain´s statistical institute warmed today that one in every four workers is now  officially out of work as the economic crisis tightens its grip on the country.
The National Statistic Institute said that 85,000 more people had joined the ranks of the unemployed between July ans September, raising the total to 5.78 million.
The figures brought the county´s unemployment rate up by around 0,4 per cent in the third quarter to 25.02 per cent.

For those under 25 years of age, the unemployment rate edged down marginally to 52 per cent from 53 per cent in the previous quarter.
The institute said 800,000 people had lost their jobs over the past 12 months.

The country has already been granted a €00 billion (£80bn) bailout facility for its troubled banks.
Labour reforms introduced by conservative PM Mariano Rajoy making it easier to dismiss workers have led to many strikes and protests and have had no positive effect on the economy, rather the reverse.
The Spanish Red Cross and the Catholic Church charity organization, Caritas, say unemployment and austerity measures are leaving tents of thousands of people in need of food and financial help.

On Thursday, Caritas said a foundation will donate €20 million (£16m) to help buy food, medicines and school material.

The statistic institute said Spain now has 1.8 million households in which no-one has work.

(Source: Morning Star.Online.co.uk. October 2012)

In spite of the unemployment situation, don´t lose hope, be ready to find a job!

1. Reread the article  paying attention to the words in bold.

2. Listen to what happens in the UK: Rachel talks with Todd about "the Dole" in the UK and how people feel about it.
Then test your vocabulary and comprehension skills with the quizzes.

3. Have a job hunting! Here you can learn vocabulary related to getting a job, since jobsearching (where to look), compiling a CV, to Interviews by doing the activities given.

4. Play Beat the Keeper: Get that job, game about some of the language connected with applying for jobs.

5. Learn this additional vocabulary related to Leaving or losing your job
There are many different ways to express leaving or losing a job:
To Leave Your Job:
= to give up a job or position by telling your employer that you are leaving:

To resign
To quit 
To leave your job
To retire= to leave your job or stop working because of old age or ill health
To Lose Your Job:
= to be asked to leave a job, usually because you have done something wrong or badly, or
sometimes as a way of saving the cost of employing you.

To be dismissed
To be fired
To get fired
To be sacked
To get the sack
To get the chop
To get your P45
To lose your job
To be made redundant = to lose your job because your employer no longer needs you